Our Promise to You

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ALPHA Presence

Empower Your Personal Presence for Financial Performance

Our Promise to You 

This is your first Step. The Journey to Alpha Presence is the first step to accepting the power you have to get the results you want.  

What is your deepest satisfaction? If you take a moment to consider what really drives satisfaction in your life you are likely to come to a conclusion similar to that of most of our clients: 

It’s all about relationships

Are there exceptions? Even the most introverted intellectual whose satisfaction in life comes from conceptual challenges ultimately needs the satisfaction of sharing intellectual victories. Even the biggest CEO curmudgeon needs others to carry out his or her work. 

Relationships create the most pain and the deepest satisfaction. If we look at what makes us unhappy, the unhappiness from a broken toy is trivial and temporary compared to the pain we experience in relationships. 

Happiness is staying connected. If you examine your own pursuit of happiness, you know what many of us have discovered; that happiness is all about the continual effort to stay connected to other humans at home, at work, and at play. 

Our protection is also our barrier. And yet - over the course of our lives, we have cut ourselves off from being available to others. These protective barriers served a valid purpose at the time they were created - to protect ourselves from immediate and sometimes continuing threats.  

It is time to take the Journey to Alpha Presence. You are here because you want to engage others in your ideas, your vision, and your dreams. You want to build your business. Old barriers are no longer relevant. Your world has changed and you want to change it more. It is time to take the Journey to Alpha Presence. 

What will change? As you travel down the path to Alpha Presence you will become aware of a number of changes. 

  • When conversing, time will slow down.
  • Engagements will be nourishing, not exhausting.
  • You will find the right thing to say without anxiety.
  • Internal judgments about others will no longer stand in the way of giving them a space to contribute to your dream.
  • Public speaking will become as easy as a conversation with one person, only more exhilarating.
  • Others will catch your passion easily.
  • Potentially hostile conversations will become a source of fascination, not dread.
  • Your intuition will blossom real-time, while in conversation.
  • You will be able to change the mood of an entire room, simply by entering it.
  • Ultimately, and this is where the real gold lays, you will be able to access the creative genius of work and family relationships through your own personal presence. 

Relax, and enjoy the first step in your journey to Alpha Presence.

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