Conversations with Money - Your Self-Directed Money-Positive Path

How to build wealth and success through a money-positive life that will feel better, honor your values and help you build a path your goals.

  • Do you feel stuck financially?
  • Are you sick and tired of not having enough money to make ends meet?
  • Are you struggling day after day and not getting anywhere?
  • Are you angry at the world for its unfairness?
  • Do you have financial stability, but feel lost and without meaning?
  • Do you feel hopeless about what you can do to make the world a better place?

Over the last two decades, I have worked with people from all financial walks of life and circumstances. I have also administered and reviewed thousands of assessments on how our relationship with money impacts the results we want.

I have coached money managers and CEOs. I have worked with career-oriented people and those who are financially struggling from day to day.

They all have one thing in common - they are fighting their own brains in very specific ways.

This course will invite you to step into a money-positive life that will feel better, honor your values and direct you to your goals. Here are the sections that are designed to build, step-by-step a Money-Positive mindset.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to Conversations with Money - Your self-directed Money-Positive Path
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Celebrating Your Progress
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Conversations with Money - Additional Book Chapters
Available in days
days after you enroll

Welcome to your own personal Conversation with Money

As you share Joe, Julie, and Money’s conversations, you may find many struggles that they experience that you share also.

As they turn their struggles into rapport, you will be able to reframe your own mindset in a way that puts the burden of conflict down.

However, the book can only guess at some of the issues that you may face and your own unique circumstances may differ. Thus we have created a safe space for you to explore additional blocks that are stopping you from achieving the success you want.

With additional exercises, personalized assessments, and topics, you can customize your path to create a future that not only feels better but supports your values and opens doors to achieve your goals.

Get started now!